Book-It Bison Read-a-thon

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2020 Book-It Bison Read-a-thon!

We raised $8,250!

Our top Fundraising Student was Fallon C in 2nd grade, she raised $545!

The school read 31,712 minutes, which is 22 days and 32 minutes!

Congratulations to our top readers for each grade!

Kindergarten - 1st - McKayla S in Mayberry
2nd - Tinlee R in Marsh
1st Grade - 1st - Aurora U in Scheid
2nd - Corbin S in Hansen
2nd Grade - 1st - Fallon C in TCO
2nd - Ian A in TCO
3rd Grade - 1st - Jeremiah in TCO
2nd - Kaydence in Bellinghausen
4th Grade - 1st - Genevieve L in Mayberry
2nd - Wilson R in Mayberry
5th Grade- 1st - Lily G in Salmon
2nd - Aliya H in Brock
6th Grade - 1st - Rilen J in Waido
2nd - Omar M in TCO
7th Grade - 1st - Owen J in Barnes
2nd - Jaciana in TCO
8th Grade - 1st - Currey M in Joers

Top reader in the school were:

Rilen J with 1745 minutes
Owen J with 1395 minutes
Omar M with 1320 minutes

If you have any questions about submitting your student's reading minutes or arrange a cash or check pickup if you are remote, please email or call/text Candie at 970-488-9160.

High Plains 2020 Book-It Bison Read-a-thon Review